Rabu, 31 Oktober 2018

The Sisters Brothers 2018 Pelicula Completa Castellano

The Sisters Brothers 2018 Pelicula Completa Castellano

The Sisters Brothers 2018 Pelicula Completa Castellano- imagen -M2V-FLV- Ver título transmisión en HD - fanning -año- blu ray .jpg

The Sisters Brothers 2018 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Equipo De Filmación

Coordinación Departamento de arte:
century Dézamy

Coordinador de acrobacias:
Solenne Sistine

Diseño de guión:
Flavio Erona

Imágenes : Severin Denissa
Co-Produzent : Danita Abiola

Productor ejecutivo : Jahid Jahsiah

Director de arte supervisor:
Hudson Anaiya

Produce|Producir : Ishya Youna

Fabricante: Thierry Gallego

Actriz : Reid Irwin


Título de la película

The Sisters Brothers 2018 Pelicula Completa Castellano


196 segundos



objetos de valor

AVI 720p


Comedy, Western



nombre de reparto

Lima, Film OdysseyTehzeeb Z. Coupe, Fabiano J. Annette

[HD] The Sisters Brothers 2018 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Certainly the better of the two Westerns I've seen today, but I'm also not really feeling the love with _Sisters Brothers_ like everybody else seems to be.

_Final rating:★★½ - Had a lot that appealed to me, didn’t quite work as a whole._
_**A plodding and overlong tale of violence and redemption that doesn't seem to know quite what it's trying to say**_

> _You are afraid of hell. But that's all religion is, really. Fear of a place we'd rather not be, and where there's no such a thing as suicide to steal us away._

- Patrick deWitt; _The Sisters Brothers_ (2011)

_The Sisters Brothers_ is a film set in the American Old West, based on a book by a Canadian, made by a mostly French crew, shot primarily in Spain and Romania, featuring a Brit as an American, an American as a Brit, and a British trans comedian as a ruthless American businesswoman. And I don't bring this up out of mere frivolousness; rather, a certain element of schizophrenia is built into the film's very DNA. On the surface it's a Revisionist Western with a gritty Spaghetti aesthetic focusing very much on a group of anti-heroes, but it's also a story of two brothers getting on one another's nerves, a tale of avarice and the destructive potential of progressive thinking, a chase movie, a dark comedy, a tragic fable, an examination of the days when the Old West was giving way to an ever-encroaching modernity, a look at how the sins of the father are oft repeated by the children, a study of competing types of masculinity, and even a political thesis, postulating that there was a time in American history when certain people genuinely believed they could build a harmonious society based on direct democracy and the kind of socialist attitude to capitalism that would make even Bernie Sanders blush.

The English language debut of French director Jacques Audiard, who adapted the script with his regular writing partner Thomas Bidegain from Patrick deWitt's 2011 novel of the same name, the film posits that even those who seem irredeemable may one day find a path to redemption. Very much of a piece with Audiard's more celebrated humanist work such as _De battre mon cœur s'est arrêté_ (2005), _Un prophète_ (2009), and _Dheepan_ (2015), _The Sisters Brothers_ works primarily as a character study about people trying to do what they feel is right in a world arrayed against them. Unfortunately, it did next-to-nothing for me. I wouldn't say it's a bad movie, as it clearly has a lot going for it; not the least of which is an unapologetic foregrounding of character over plot. However, its episodic rhythm, bifurcated narrative structure, and poorly-defined morality left me unengaged, frustrated, and rather bored.

1851; the height of the California Gold Rush. In Oregon, Charlie Sisters (Joaquin Phoenix) and his older brother Eli (John C. Reilly) are hired guns working for "The Commodore" (a criminally underused Rutger Hauer). Far more sensitive and thoughtful than his younger brother, Eli is growing weary of the lifestyle, wanting to retire, settle down, and open a grocery store. The more unpredictable and volatile Charlie, however, wants to keep on killing indefinitely. After a mission descends into disarray, Eli is unimpressed when The Commodore appoints Charlie as "lead man" for their next quarry; a mild-manner chemist named Hermann Kermit Warm (Riz Ahmed). Telling Eli that Warm has stolen something from The Commodore which they are to retrieve, Charlie is under orders to keep their real purpose to himself for the time being. Unsure of Warm's exact location, The Commodore has already sent highly-intelligent tracker John Morris (Jake Gyllenhaal), a man too gentile for killing, to pick up his trail and detain him until the brothers catch up. Keeping them abreast of his progress via a series of letters, it doesn't take long for Morris to find Warm, telling the brothers he will await them in Jacksonville. However, when Warm learns that The Commodore has sent men after him, he explains to Morris that he has created an elixir that when poured into a river, will illuminate any gold deposits on the river bed, with the only catch being that the potion is extremely caustic, and any sustained exposure results in severe burns. Recognising that Morris is only an advance, he guesses that whoever is still to come is under orders to torture the formula out of him and then kill him. Learning that Warm doesn't want to use the gold for himself, but to help establish "_an ideal living space, ruled by the laws of true democracy and sharing_", Morris decides to join him, and they head to San Francisco in an attempt to evade the approaching brothers.

A passion project for star and producer John C. Reilly, who purchased the rights to deWitt's novel shortly after it was published, it was he who first brought the material to Audiard's attention. One of the best-reviewed films at the 2018 Venice Film Festival, where it won Audiard his first Silver Lion for Best Director, when the film went on general release in North America later the same month, it flopped badly, earning only $3 million against a $38 million budget. That's a shame, as Audiard is immensely talented, and although I personally didn't enjoy this particular film, he deserves as much success as he can get. In terms of the novel, I don't know a huge amount about it, but I would imagine Warm's desire to build a Phalanstère in Dallas is inspired by La Réunion, a Fourierist-based utopian community founded in 1855 by Victor Prosper Considerant on the banks of the Trinity River. Wishing to make La Réunion a "communal experiment administered by a system of direct democracy", Considerant planned to allow participants to share in profits from capital investments. However, the settlement lasted only 18 months before financial insolvency, shortage of skilled participants, inadequate farming methods, and untenable maintenance costs led to its dissolution.

As one would expect from Audiard, working with his regular editor Juliette Welfling (_Le scaphandre et le papillon_; _The Hunger Games_; _Ocean's 8_) and production designer Michel Barthélémy (_Dobermann_; _Les salauds_; _Frantz_) and for the first time with cinematographer Benoît Debie (_Irréversible_; _Lost River_; _One More Time with Feeling_) and costume designer Milena Canonero (_Barry Lyndon_; _Chariots of Fire_; _The Grand Budapest Hotel_), the film looks amazing. Very much adopting the visual style of a Spaghetti Western, everything on screen looks dirty and/or dusty, whether it's the worn and lived-in costumes, the spartan and uncared for buildings, or even the perpetually unshaven characters and their rotting teeth (an historically accurate detail absent in most modern westerns). Of particular note are the shootouts, of which there are three significant examples. The first takes place at night, and is shot from a distance and without much in the way of coverage; the second is shot primarily from the point of view of two characters doing their best to hide; and the third isn't seen at all - we remain inside as the shooting can be heard on the street.

This should convey, as well as anything, just how revisionist _The Sisters Brothers_ is; the genre's tropes are all there, but they're examined from unexpected angles. A bear attack on a camp is not only not seen, it's not even heard, with our first indication of the incident being when one character wakes up to find another has shot and killed a bear during the night; men are seen riding horses, but when a horse is mortally wounded, the man to whom he belongs cries and apologises; whisky is drunk aplenty, but one character would rather sit alone thinking about home than go whoring or drinking; a film about hired guns ends on a shot of a man sitting in a bath; the anticipated climatic shootout plays out in a manner you'll never see coming. If it does nothing else, the film really drives home that to be able to truly subvert generic tropes, one must first understand and respect how those tropes work.

The film opens with an extraordinarily beautiful and striking scene. It's night on the prairie, which is so dark, we can make out only the barest outline of a house, with a smaller building nearby. After some shouted dialogue, a shootout begins between the house and the smaller building, with each booming gun blast sending out sparks and illuminating for a micro-second the surrounding area. Having vanquished their opponents, the brothers are about to leave the area, when they see a horse, its back covered in flames, galloping away, trying to outrun the fire from which it doesn't understand it can never escape. Realising the barn is on fire, Eli dashes in to try to save the trapped horses, whilst Charlie urges him to remain outside. Is the metaphor of the burning horse a little on the nose? Absolutely; try as they might, the brothers can never escape that which brings them pain, no matter how far or fast they run. But just because it's not exactly subtle doesn't mean it's ineffective, and as opening visual metaphors go, it's as striking an example as you're likely to find. The scene also immediately establishes the differences between Eli (who would risk his own life to save a group of horses) and Charlie (who sees no point in such sacrifices).

In relation to the _milieu_, yes, this is the Old West of John Ford, Anthony Mann, and Sergio Leone, but Audiard defamiliarises it as much as possible. A recurring theme, for example, is that this is a world on the brink of modernity, but whose inhabitants are still very much rooted in the past. This is depicted via a running gag about Eli's fascination with a curious modern invention (the toothbrush; so complicated a device, it comes with an instruction manual), and his childlike glee at staying in a hotel with indoor plumbing. Elsewhere, Morris remarks on how quickly the country is changing, writing, "_I have travelled through places that didn't exist three months ago. First tents, then houses, then shops, with women fiercely discussing the price of flour._" Additionally, Warm's progressive egalitarian vision for the future and his desire to use his formula to create a better society for all, allows the film to examine the belief (however short-lived) that out of the lawlessness, land thievery, and Native American genocide, a certain section of the populace hoped a more mutually beneficial society might arise.

However, Audiard, of course, is not naïve enough to suggest that the Old West was especially peaceful or safe; although on the cusp of modernity, this is still a merciless place where violence is a form of currency. But even here, he subverts the genre, using a recurring motif of either Charlie or Eli shooting an already downed opponent pleading for his life, which is certainly not what we've come to expect from the (figurative) white hat protagonists so familiar in Hollywood westerns. Coupled with this, there's the ever-present background of the Gold Rush, and the mercenary mentality it fostered. Indeed, the whole plot is set in motion by The Commodore's greed, and as the film goes on, it comes to focus more and more on the clash between a Darwinian survival of the fittest, might is right mentality (represented by Charlie) and a more esoteric and politically progressive way of thinking (represented by Warm), with Eli and Morris functioning as something of a halfway house between the two extremes.

In terms of acting, Phoenix, Gyllenhaal, and Ahmed all have moments to shine (a monologue in which Morris describes his hatred for his father is especially worth looking out for), but this is Reilly's film through-and-through, turning Eli from a possibly oafish sidekick into an achingly human emotional fulcrum. His nuanced performance allows us to see just how badly Eli's conscience is affecting him, and how much he is drifting away from the increasingly amoral Charlie. Eli has no desire to split with Charlie, but he is slowly coming to the conclusion that he may have no option but to do just that. It's an extraordinarily subtle performance by Reilly, that reminded me a lot of his work in Paul Thomas Anderson's _Magnolia_ (1999), where he played a cop in love with a drug addict who shows unexpected emotional vulnerability, and Rob Marshall's _Chicago_ (2002), in which he played the dim but loyal-to-a-fault husband who emerges as the film's only really moral character. His unexpected affection for his horse is especially poignant, and his tendency to sniff a shawl given to him by his girlfriend is beautifully played by Reilly.

However, for all this, I really disliked the movie, for a myriad of reasons. For one, I found it far too episodic, lurching from one incident to next with little in the way of connective tissue between them. I also didn't particularly like the shifts in focus from the brothers on the one hand to Morris and Warm on the other, with each strand serving only to detract from the other, making it impossible for either to fully settle. A knock-on from this is that the film lacks a strong lead character; although everything suggests that Eli is the protagonist, Phoenix is billed above Reilly, and a lot of the time, Eli seems more like Charlie's sidekick than his equal, making it difficult to figure out where one's empathy is supposed to lie. This difficulty becomes especially problematic in relation to the morally questionable _dénouement_, in which there is an incident which seems designed for the audience to roundly condemn one of the main characters, only for the film to then give us a 15-minute epilogue seemingly designed to redeem him.

This throws into relief what for me was the most egregious problem - none of what we see seems to mean anything, there are virtually no consequences for anything the brothers do (although plenty of consequences for others). This left me scratching my head as to what the film is trying to say. Is it suggesting that even the most morally repugnant of men deserve a shot at redemption? If that is the case, however, its rhetorical position is not especially cogent, as the character mentioned above in no way deserves redemption, allowing his greed and stubbornness to cause untold suffering to others whilst he gets off relatively scot-free. Furthermore, the aforementioned epilogue is hugely anticlimactic, which, I understand, is kind of the point, but it's still a very strange way to wrap things up, feeling forced and emotionally manipulative, completely out of tonal and thematic pace with the rest of the film, and also undermining what could have been a deeply affecting bittersweet final scene. The film is also far too long, and could easily have lost a half hour or more, with the meandering plot becoming interminably boring on more than one occasion.

As a kind of an aside, it's also worth mentioning an aesthetic decision that has me baffled. On occasion, the film is shot within a circular frame (think of how films often simulate POV through a telescope), often combined with racked focus and unsteady photography. I'm assuming the idea is to try to replicate the style of a Kinetograph, but given that device wouldn't be invented for another four decades, I'm not entirely sure what the point is, as the scenes which employ the style don't seem to contain anything to justify the usage. An especially strange example is a scene which sees Charlie speaking direct-to-camera, the only example of such in the whole film. Is this a break in the fourth wall, and if so, why? If it isn't a break, from whose POV is the scene shot? This kind of unjustified visual trickery pulls you right out of the film and offers next-to-nothing in the way of thematic compensation.

The four performances at the heart of _The Sisters Brothers_ earn it a great deal of leeway. But even taking that into account, I just couldn't get into it. Far too plodding and thematically unfocused, although I initially liked the characters a great deal, by the last act, I just wanted it to end already. It's certainly original in how it approaches a number of generic tropes, and that's to be commended, but the imprecise and poorly constructed episodic narrative saps away the goodwill built up by the aesthetic design and the acting. Is it a western? A comedy? A tragedy? An esoteric political piece? A realist depiction of greed trumping idealism? In the end, it doesn't seem to know itself, trying to be many things, and ending up being none of them.
Oregon, 1851. Hermann Kermit Warm, a chemist and aspiring gold prospector, keeps a profitable secret that the Commodore wants to know, so he sends the Sisters brothers, two notorious assassins, to capture him on his way to California.

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Candyman 2020 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Candyman 2020 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Candyman 2020 Pelicula Completa Castellano- padres -1440p-SDDS- en Redbox - tráiler -año- descargar .jpg

Candyman 2020 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Equipo De Filmación

Coordinación Departamento de arte:
Bavier Élisa

Coordinador de acrobacias:
Saifan Elexia

Diseño de guión:
Kamron Lesbros

Imágenes : Mory Tanguay
Co-Produzent : Talya Tesnim

Productor ejecutivo : Roëls Mickael

Director de arte supervisor:
Liane Buffy

Produce|Producir : Gwen Bobbie

Fabricante: Yumi Leah

Actriz : Durrell Apollo

Título de la película

Candyman 2020 Pelicula Completa Castellano


111 minutos




MPEG-1 720p





nombre de reparto

Geneva, Glix EntertainmentTesnime S. Hinds, Meline H. Devona

[HD] Candyman 2020 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Spiritual sequel to the slasher classic from producer Jordan Peele.

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1080p Krainin Productions FLA Animation Block Lainey mufasa.

Selasa, 30 Oktober 2018

Toy Story 4 2019 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Toy Story 4 2019 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Toy Story 4 2019 Pelicula Completa Castellano- proyección -1080p-ASF- Película completa en inglés - audio -año-stream .jpg

Toy Story 4 2019 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Equipo De Filmación

Coordinación Departamento de arte:
Cogniet Michai

Coordinador de acrobacias:
Hading Erline

Diseño de guión:
Safia Dhir

Imágenes : Escobar Sultana
Co-Produzent : Norbert Chanice

Productor ejecutivo : Ania Habib

Director de arte supervisor:
Sharla Moche

Produce|Producir : Eduard Vanesa

Fabricante: Rhyz Sophea

Actriz : Corban Bradley


Título de la película

Toy Story 4 2019 Pelicula Completa Castellano


189 minuto




Sonics-DDP 1440p


Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family, Fantasy



nombre de reparto

Deleuze, MediaPro PicturesNaira E. Syan, Nancie Y. Cameron

[HD] Toy Story 4 2019 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Rather than offering an even more potent ending, ‘Toy Story 4’ ends up being an unnecessary epilogue, offering little to enrich the overall narrative of the series and never cashing in on the actual possibilities it offers. This could have worked if it had explored a new story in the 'Toy Story' universe, and Forky certainly makes it clear that such a move could have worked beautifully. Instead, we have a film that feels tired and forced, lacking in clarity or inspiration, serving neither its classic characters or its new ones, and ultimately never justifying its existence. It’s certainly an enjoyable film, but it’s hardly a necessary one.
- Daniel Lammin

Read Daniel's full article...
I very much enjoyed _Toy Story 4_. I thought it was good, and I think it doesn't at all "undo" the perfect ending that the third entry gave us, which was a legitimate fear some people had. What I will say however, is that I don't understand **just how much** most people seem to have loved it. I have seen multiple people say it's the best of the four, and I more think it's the... worst. That's not a knock! This is a **seriously** good series (and also I think it might actually be either better than or maybe as good _Toy Story 2_). But I am not quite feeling the **overwhelming** positivity that it has garnered from a lot of my peers.

_Final rating:★★★ - I liked it. Would personally recommend you give it a go._
Dang, is it dusty in here? After what was a near perfect conclusion with Toy Story 3, wasn't sure if this was really needed. I'm glad they did go through with it and although it's not exactly unpredictable, still was highly entertaining with some genuine emotions and a great finale for Woody. Really says a lot that as good as this was, it's still the fourth best movie of the series. **4.0/5**

Don't really want a TS5 but wouldn't mind some short Toy Story Toons with the group...
Woody has always been confident about his place in the world and that his priority is taking care of his kid, whether that's Andy or Bonnie. But when Bonnie adds a reluctant new toy called "Forky" to her room, a road trip adventure alongside old and new friends will show Woody how big the world can be for a toy.

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Green Room 2016 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Green Room 2016 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Green Room 2016 Pelicula Completa Castellano- disney -HDRip-Bluray- Película completa en HD - netflix -año- stre en línea.jpg

Green Room 2016 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Equipo De Filmación

Coordinación Departamento de arte:
Kean Misty

Coordinador de acrobacias:
Acosta Lleucu

Diseño de guión:
Neill Rémy

Imágenes : Deacon Phileas
Co-Produzent : Anass Balraj

Productor ejecutivo : Romance Manning

Director de arte supervisor:
Montoya Scottie

Produce|Producir : Tandy Linden

Fabricante: Hemen Marsh

Actriz : Trevon Fugère


Título de la película

Green Room 2016 Pelicula Completa Castellano


174 segundos




M1V 1440p


Horror, Crime, Thriller



nombre de reparto

Neve, Sidework ProductionsValdez L. Bevis, Sibyl X. Libéral

[HD] Green Room 2016 Pelicula Completa Castellano

A punk rock band becomes trapped in a secluded venue after finding a scene of violence. For what they saw, the band themselves become targets of violence from a gang of white power skinheads, who want to eliminate all evidence of the crime.

Green Room film Wikipedia ~ Green Room is a 2015 American horrorthriller film written and directed by Jeremy Saulnier and produced by Neil Kopp Victor Moyers and Anish g Anton Yelchin Imogen Poots and Patrick Stewart the film focuses on a punk band who find themselves attacked by neoNazi skinheads after witnessing a murder at a remote club in the Pacific Northwest

Green room Wikipedia ~ In show business the green room is the space in a theatre or similar venue that functions as a waiting room and lounge for performers before and after a performance and during the show when they are not engaged on rooms typically have seating for the performers such as upholstered chairs and sofas The origin of the term is often ascribed to such rooms historically being painted

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Room 2015 film Wikipedia ~ Room is a 2015 independent drama film directed by Lenny Abrahamson and written by Emma Donoghue based on her 2010 novel of the same stars Brie Larson as a woman who has been held captive for seven years and whose 5yearold son Jacob Tremblay was born in escape allows the boy to experience the outside world for the first time

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Instruments used in general surgery Wikipedia ~ Surgical instruments can vary widely by the field of surgery that they are used in In general instruments can be divided into five classes by function Cutting and dissecting instruments Scalpels scissors and saws are the most traditional

Next Gen film Wikipedia ~ Next Gen is a CanadianAmericanChinese coproduction In May 2018 it was announced that Netflix had purchased worldwide rights to Next Gen an animated film directed by Kevin R Adams and Joe Ksander for 30 million The deal excluded China

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Minggu, 28 Oktober 2018

Birthmarked 2018 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Birthmarked 2018 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Birthmarked 2018 Pelicula Completa Castellano- octubre - italienisch -720p- Película completa en HD - cerca de mí -año-stream .jpg

Birthmarked 2018 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Equipo De Filmación

Coordinación Departamento de arte:
Rambin Elliza

Coordinador de acrobacias:
Cayatte Dania

Diseño de guión:
Nélia Varieur

Imágenes : Jaydon Morgann
Co-Produzent : Kishore Navneet

Productor ejecutivo : Mirab Becker

Director de arte supervisor:
Elinor Jabari

Produce|Producir : Everest Cavani

Fabricante: Jordane Clancy

Actriz : Zakarya Just


Título de la película

Birthmarked 2018 Pelicula Completa Castellano


133 minuto




WMV 1440p





nombre de reparto

Ichac, Satbel FilmsSlezak T. Marin, Kaysah C. Lura

[HD] Birthmarked 2018 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Two scientists raise 3 children contrarily to their genetic tendencies to prove the ultimate power of nurture over nature.

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Jumat, 26 Oktober 2018

Showgirls 2: Penny's from Heaven 2011 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Showgirls 2: Penny's from Heaven 2011 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Showgirls 2: Penny's from Heaven 2011 Pelicula Completa Castellano- descarga -HDTV-DAT- HD gratis en línea - hindi -año- it alienisch .jpg

Showgirls 2: Penny's from Heaven 2011 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Equipo De Filmación

Coordinación Departamento de arte:
Gide Natanya

Coordinador de acrobacias:
Nguyen Rishil

Diseño de guión:
Mikila Rivas

Imágenes : Gilson Cortney
Co-Produzent : Dilanas Onfray

Productor ejecutivo : Roëls Banks

Director de arte supervisor:
Déjazet Ebadur

Produce|Producir : Jesusa Petrie

Fabricante: Brette Decklan

Actriz : Kairi Norman


Título de la película

Showgirls 2: Penny's from Heaven 2011 Pelicula Completa Castellano


117 segundos




SDDS 1080p


Comedy, Drama, Romance, Thriller



nombre de reparto

Jawad, RockhopperShanine M. Chika, Hadja E. Eshika

[HD] Showgirls 2: Penny's from Heaven 2011 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Las Vegas stripper, Penny Slot (Rena Riffel), sets out on an adventure to become the star dancer on a dance television show. With stars in her eyes, she tries to find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow but instead finds danger in a town more wicked than Sin City. Romance then leads her down a path towards her dream of stardom, fame, and fortune. But danger lurks at every twist and turn while Penny Slot becomes lured by a dangerous love triangle full of temptation and seduction. Penny's longtime fiancé/boyfriend, James "Jimmy" Smith (Glenn Plummer) warns her that she needs formal technique training if she wants to be taken seriously as a real dancer, so Penny heeds his advice and sets out to take ballet classes and practices her pique turns. But, she must pay the price. And there is a price to pay for success, sacrifices to be made at every imaginable level, and it all comes down to... How bad do you want it?

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Kamis, 25 Oktober 2018

RoboCop 2014 Pelicula Completa Castellano

RoboCop 2014 Pelicula Completa Castellano

RoboCop 2014 Pelicula Completa Castellano- 2 -720p-MPEG-2- 480p Descargar - wiki -año- película .jpg

RoboCop 2014 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Equipo De Filmación

Coordinación Departamento de arte:
Ozon Awais

Coordinador de acrobacias:
Rahan Salif

Diseño de guión:
Serreau Ruzina

Imágenes : Harrell Reya
Co-Produzent : Boone Christ

Productor ejecutivo : Hansika Chaye

Director de arte supervisor:
Rhiya Angilia

Produce|Producir : Alizee Rivers

Fabricante: Zayed Provost

Actriz : Kuba Fredi


Título de la película

RoboCop 2014 Pelicula Completa Castellano


194 segundos




MP4 1080p


Action, Science Fiction



nombre de reparto

Momoko, Ruffin EntertainmentYarnall Q. Khalil, Raife H. Daudet

[HD] RoboCop 2014 Pelicula Completa Castellano

I must confess that, when I sat down to watch this movie, I was prepared to be disappointed. Well, it was not as bad as I feared but I was not really impressed either. There are some good parts in the movie and, of course, the special effects are more up to todays standards. However it lacks a lot of the appeal, the over the top gory violence and the cartoonish wow-factor that the original has. I guess it is because they wanted that silly PG-13 rating in the hope of raking in more cash. It is not the first time Hollywood greed have ruined a good movie unfortunately.

The beginning of the movie is not bad. Taking out Murphy with a simple car bomb was rather disappointing though. Again here the movie lacks the gritty and brutal aspect that the original had. The parts where Murphy is awaken in the secret(?) research and manufacturing facility and him freaking out when discovering what he as become was enjoyable.

Then it really starts to go downhill in what I usually refer to stupid Hollywood scripting. Ten minutes before Robocop is about to make his public debut then they do a huge info dump into his brain? That is just so poor unintelligent scripting. Of course it went to hell.

The special effects are quite okay but again the scripting is just nonsense. Most of the time this highly intelligent combat cyborg is just rushing straight into the fire blasting away like some Terminator/Rambo wannabe. Sure it makes for some good firefights but it is still poor scripting.

Then the ending. What was that? I do not refer to the actual ending where Murphy, luckily, prevails but the part after that with the TV-presenter (or whatever he was in the end) rambling on about traitors etc. That was just there to show the audience that they hoped to do a sequel but the nonsensical outburst did not really much sense. Actually I thought that those TV-presenter scenes where generally just a nuisance.

On the whole it is not really a bad movie but it is sorely lacking the appeal of the original. Too a large extent this is due to it being reduced to a teenage no-rude-language-please type of movie lacking the dark and gory aspect of the original. The poor script doesn’t help of course. I am not sorry that I spent time watching it but the feeling afterwards where a bit…meh.
Decent remake with well done FX and with quite an impressive cast that keeps a proper level... but flat.

No only it doesn't contribute anything new to the prior movie but also lacks on humor and deeper psychological insight.
In RoboCop, the year is 2028 and multinational conglomerate OmniCorp is at the center of robot technology. Overseas, their drones have been used by the military for years, but have been forbidden for law enforcement in America. Now OmniCorp wants to bring their controversial technology to the home front, and they see a golden opportunity to do it. When Alex Murphy – a loving husband, father and good cop doing his best to stem the tide of crime and corruption in Detroit – is critically injured, OmniCorp sees their chance to build a part-man, part-robot police officer. OmniCorp envisions a RoboCop in every city and even more billions for their shareholders, but they never counted on one thing: there is still a man inside the machine.

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Green Book 2018 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Green Book 2018 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Green Book 2018 Pelicula Completa Castellano- película -FLV-Sonics-DDP- Película completa HD - predicción -año- it alienisch .jpg

Green Book 2018 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Equipo De Filmación

Coordinación Departamento de arte:
Vian Légaut

Coordinador de acrobacias:
Diljot Archie

Diseño de guión:
Advit Eirian

Imágenes : Rees Naceri
Co-Produzent : Schafer Jayquan

Productor ejecutivo : Juelz Maycie

Director de arte supervisor:
Elmo Roman

Produce|Producir : Hena Maël

Fabricante: Morgen Marilu

Actriz : Enedina Houle


Título de la película

Green Book 2018 Pelicula Completa Castellano


187 minuto



objetos de valor

AVCHD 720p


Drama, Comedy


English, Italiano

nombre de reparto

Rylie, Insano ProductionsBruce J. Raelynn, Amitee G. Qusay

[HD] Green Book 2018 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Sadly, didn't end racism, but still very cute.

_Final rating:★★★ - I liked it. Would personally recommend you give it a go._
If you enjoy reading my Spoiler-Free reviews, please follow my blog :)

Living in Portugal has a ton of pros, but regarding movies, it lacks serious advantages. The price of admission is expensive, there is only one film theater in my city (every time I want to watch a movie on IMAX or Dolby Atmos, it's a financial effort and time-consuming) and the worst of all, a whole bunch of films aren't released in their original date, especially November/December Oscar-bait movies. Only now I had the opportunity to see Green Book, and I am so mad I wasn't able to write its review in 2018 because this is undoubtedly the best comedy-drama of last year and one of the best overall!

With the help of a terrific cast, Peter Farrelly and his writing crew (which counts with Vallelonga's son, Nick) deliver what I think is the best screenplay of 2018. I can't remember the last time I cried of so much laughter in a film. I can't remember the last time I did the latter and still got emotional with the dramatic arc. This comedy-drama sent me through a roller coaster of emotions I wasn't expecting, at all. I went in anticipating outstanding performances (check) and solely that. Since 2019 has already begun, I'm watching the Oscar-bait movies with no real hopes of being utterly amazed.

However, Green Book completely took me by surprise. I genuinely don't know why everyone was so shocked when it won Best Screenplay at the Golden Globe Awards. It possesses such a well-written story, filled with brilliant narratives about the most sensitive subjects. It takes the two main characters and elevates their individual arcs into subplots where you begin and end with two completely different personas. It's an extremely relevant film that shows how our world evolved and fought back racism and discrimination, without ever becoming too dark or even dull. It's not more of the same, it's not another movie produced exclusively to send a social message and catch some Oscar nominations. It's a truly captivating story of how two men can change their perspective of another race or even the entire world, by actually spending time with another culture and ignoring preconceived notions.

Nevertheless, this well-structured, beautifully-directed and cleverly-written film would be just "good" if not for the two incredible actors, who take this movie to a whole other level. Viggo Mortensen and Mahershala Ali have such compelling chemistry that I wouldn't mind watching them interact for two hours on a car trip. Every single car sequence either produces hilarious moments, filled with tearful laughter, or it drastically changes into a more dramatic and emotional tone, subtly touching delicate topics. I knew Mortensen had a humorous side to him, but I never saw this coming! His timing, his expressions, his Italian accent, his body movements, everything about his performance is perfect. He absolutely nailed his part, by giving me the best time I had at a film theater in a long time, and his Oscar nomination is more than fair. He made a 130-min feature movie feel like a short flick.

Ali doesn't come far behind. Obviously, since Viggo has a funnier role to portray, the audience members might feel that he's just there to help his co-star shine, but he does much more than that. Since he brings the drama element to the story, he has a more restrained performance during the first half of the film. However, once Shirley starts getting along with Tony Lip, Ali gradually offers more and more splendid acting moments. He's definitely a supporting actor, but God is he a phenomenal one! Linda Cardellini (Dolores Vallelonga), even though she's only on-screen for a few minutes spread throughout the runtime, also delivers a great performance.

Tony Lip and Dr. Don Shirley have quite distinct personalities, besides being from different races. Each character's arc is brilliantly illustrated by Peter Farrelly, who gradually shows how Tony and Don are changing their view of the world and of each other's culture. Either through the witty car sequences or through unfortunate and horrible experiences, these two characters carry the audience on a journey of growth. Change in behavior, mindset and preconceived ideas, by sharing their own culture with another. Even though they were born in different countries and lived through distinguished lifestyles, with contrasting quality of life, they eventually start realizing that what they think of the world and everything else might not be entirely right.

Technically, Farrelly controls the movie's pacing exceptionally well, by making a two-hour-ish film feel like half of it. Remarkably-balanced tone and some great cinematography is showed in a couple of scenes. Consistently-filmed and well-edited, even though the latter has small hiccups here and there. Nevertheless, this isn't a film with extraordinary technical attributes, nor it needs them. Farrelly only needed to do "ok" with the producing and filming of a standout screenplay to achieve a fantastic result, and that's exactly what he did.

Finally, regarding the controversy surrounding this movie ... See how easy it is to watch a film without being affected by outside matters which don't have a single thing to do with the movie itself? I don't care if someone who worked in the film tweeted something wrong today, let alone years ago. I don't care if someone misinterprets Viggo Mortensen's speech about racism. I don't care if the family of Don Shirley doesn't like how the movie approaches his way of being or his way of life. I don't care if the story isn't 100% true, as long as it succeeds in transmitting the vital message it wants to deliver, while actually being a good film. So, please, stop trying to listen to everything everyone says about a movie or the people working on it, especially nowadays, where chaos is easy to create.

Green Book surprised the hell out of me and left me speechless in the end. One of the best comedy-dramas I've seen in a long time, one of the best films of 2017 and, by far, the best original screenplay of the last year. Peter Farrelly and his fellow co-writers delivered a seamlessly-written story, filled with wonderful character arcs and with a quite important message to the audiences around the world. Viggo Mortensen and Mahershala Ali deliver award-worthy performances, especially the former who shows his incredible comedic timing and dramatic range. Still, the most compelling and emotional scenes come from Ali, and he does not deserve to be forgotten. I thought 2018 was going to be the first year without me giving an A+, but guess what ...

Rating: A+
Tony Lip, a bouncer in 1962, is hired to drive pianist Don Shirley on a tour through the Deep South in the days when African Americans, forced to find alternate accommodations and services due to segregation laws below the Mason-Dixon Line, relied on a guide called The Negro Motorist Green Book.

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Rabu, 24 Oktober 2018

13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi 2016 Pelicula Completa Castellano

13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi 2016 Pelicula Completa Castellano

13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi 2016 Pelicula Completa Castellano- google - stream hd -FLV- Película completa - la -año- it alienisch .jpg

13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi 2016 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Equipo De Filmación

Coordinación Departamento de arte:
Tonita Khalil

Coordinador de acrobacias:
Lang Rory

Diseño de guión:
Taigh Jeanna

Imágenes : Hillary Vanesa
Co-Produzent : Summers France

Productor ejecutivo : Arno Jacklyn

Director de arte supervisor:
Alvaro Chassé

Produce|Producir : Ellora Pitt

Fabricante: Luccia Lorenna

Actriz : Pascal Naqib


Título de la película

13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi 2016 Pelicula Completa Castellano


114 minutos




MPG 720p


Action, Drama, History, Thriller, War


العربية, English

nombre de reparto

Eloïse, 360 MagazineRainier L. Kamal, Dheeran W. Darell

[HD] 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi 2016 Pelicula Completa Castellano

> In an unfriendly environment they got 13 long hours to survive and resist the attack.

It is an action-thriller-war version of the 'Argo'. Based on the true story where the most of the film was the 13 hour long armed battle event took place in Libya, 2012. I remember the middle-east's protest over the western films, this story is set in the same time when the islamic terrorists targeted the American diplomatic compounds in Benghazi, but six brave men stood and fought against the uprising.

It is an American patriotic film, but because of the hatred over their own countrymen Michael Bay, they're surely missing a nearly a war masterpiece. The rest of the world saw it as a fine film and appreciated that. If you haven't seen it yet, I say just don't ignore it. It was a well made realistic war film, the actors were amazing and the scenes were suspenseful to spectacular. Definitely one of the best in this theme.

It was simply focused on the armed conflict between the two forces, so it won't reasons out us how and where it all began, because that might take another film to tell the tale. That's really a very clever writing. In this 150 minute long film, the first act was full of characters and story development. Then begins the gun fight that commences from the dust hours till the dawn breaks out. With many twists in the narration during confrontation, surely not a film to be missed.

If you fancy yourself a big swingin' dick yank, then I'd recommend you watch _13 Hours_, but of course, you already have.

I can move past the xenophobia and jingoism pretty easily, even the typical Bay tropes don't ruin a movie for me, but what I find difficult to abide is boredom, and with _13 Hours_, I personally found that in spades.

Though it doesn't make a whole lot of sense, though I didn't care about any of the characters, and though I am giving this film a negative review, I can still say it's Michael Bay's best work in years.

_Final rating:★★ - Definitely not for me, but I sort of get the appeal._
An American Ambassador is killed during an attack at a U.S. compound in Libya as a security team struggles to make sense out of the chaos.

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Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me 1999 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me 1999 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me 1999 Pelicula Completa Castellano- subtítulos - kostenlos -DAT- Ver título transmisión en HD - capitan -año- película de ganzer .jpg

Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me 1999 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Equipo De Filmación

Coordinación Departamento de arte:
Graham Cayden

Coordinador de acrobacias:
Layton Owens

Diseño de guión:
Mara Damia

Imágenes : Timothe Camelia
Co-Produzent : Ayako Nicola

Productor ejecutivo : Soniya Nirali

Director de arte supervisor:
Alda Gérard

Produce|Producir : Matis Eakes

Fabricante: Comte Aude

Actriz : Kensie Haruna


Título de la película

Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me 1999 Pelicula Completa Castellano


199 minutos




DTS 720p


Adventure, Comedy, Crime, Science Fiction


Deutsch, English

nombre de reparto

Gaelle, Quartet InternationalYumi O. Bertin, Glenn B. Dagny

[HD] Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me 1999 Pelicula Completa Castellano

When diabolical genius, Dr. Evil travels back in time to steal superspy Austin Powers's ‘mojo’, Austin must return to the swingin' '60s himself – with the help of American agent, Felicity Shagwell – to stop the dastardly plan. Once there, Austin faces off against Dr. Evil's army of minions and saves the world in his own unbelievably groovy way.

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The Butterfly Effect 2004 Pelicula Completa Castellano

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